Monday 8 April 2013

When things don't go to plan

It's Easter 2013 and I'm lying in a hospital bed writing this blog.  On Saturday morning our plans changed when my lung collapsed doing some exercise.

I've found 'life' throws curve balls at you, often when least expected and in a praise and worship team this is no exception.

A more common than you think scenario is a Saturday night text from the bass player who's become ill over the weekend, or the guitarist who's hurt his back playing sport and no matter who you contact it's hard to get someone who knows the parts the same to step in at this notice.

Ideally we are developing a culture of growth where these kind of events don't have a major impact to our team, however this takes time and all teams have a different amount of people.

It's inevitable and going to happen, so points to remember when plans change include:

Why are we doing this

No matter what happens God is still God and he still sits on the throne.  As much as we are thrown out His word is still true and where two or more are gathered he will still be there.  He's not going to not turn up because the bass player can't make it.

Sometimes our greatest challenges are our greatest opportunities

When the unexpected happens we are caused to rely not on our own strength.  In our weakness he is made strong.  This is as true today as it has ever been.

Be flexible

It doesn't actually say in the bible that there is a distinct layout for a praise and worship set.  It does say in Psalm 100 to enter his gates with praise and then bow down in worship however why not if you're electric guitarist suddenly can't make it look at focussing more on some reflective moments in transitions where other instruments can shine.  If need be change your songlist, or if change a song from being a guitar driven to a piano driven song.  You'll have to be creative and may need to play new parts but there's always options depending on the size of your team.

Don't panic, God love's our heart and what we do, be genuine and if we do the best we can, our hardest day may even turn into one of our greatest.

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